American Watercolor Society Awards Dinner

Friday night was the awards dinner for the American Watercolor Society's 146th Annual International Exhibition.  After the fiasco of flying into the city, it was a relief to arrive in time to attend the event which was the impetus for the trip in the first place.  There was a cocktail hour prior to the meal, during which we wandered among the crowd, trying to take in everyone's work.  Attendees were given printed name tags, and the exhibiting artists' tags had small prints of their paintings so we could be identified.  The artists congratulated each other as we mingled.  We met the AWS president as well as the editor of Watercolor Artist Magazine.  Dinner was scrumptious.  We were seated next to a couple that was younger than us, and then we were the next youngest people there by a good decade.  Frank Webb had some good jokes as he presented new signature members.  

Several  people have been asking me about the selection process for this exhibition.  I took a snapshot of the description and posted it below.  It is even more intense than I realized.  The five jurors each vote (privately) for the paintings they wish to see included in the show, with no knowledge of the artist, title, or what anyone else votes for.  Paintings which receive four votes are included in the exhibit, and paintings that receive three votes are discussed and there is a re-vote.  Also, the jurors are voted into that position each year by the signature members of the society.  Signature membership is also explained in the document below.  Oh, and artists are only allowed to enter one painting for consideration.

Today was the last day of the exhibit, and we went back to spend an hour.  Last night the floor was packed tight with tables and chairs and people, so it was good to have time to look with an unimpeded view.  One of the things I like best about this organization and this exhibit is the diversity in subject and style.  From non-objective abstract to photo realism, whimsical to social commentary, there was a little of everything.  The only constants were skill in the medium and compositional quality.  As hard as I am on myself, I am objective enough to realize that being included in this show means I must have done a good job on this one.

To read more about the American Watercolor Society:
To read more about the Salmagundi Art Club:

The historic Salmagundi Art Club
47 Fifth Avenue
AWS Exhibit Poster
Next to Little Death Creek just before dinner started.
Presentation of awards.  My painting is visible -
bottom row, to the right of the chandelier.
Downstairs at Salmagundi, gallery and cocktail bar.
Entrance hall.
Sitting Room.
Gallery - my painting is on the left wall, bottom row,
third to the left of the corner.
Mine is third from the right, bottom row.
At today's gallery visit.
For those who have asked me...