Badlands Residency Day 5

Tuesday November 6

Most students finished their drawings yesterday and began painting today. They were quiet and focused. It was really neat to watch, and their art teacher expressed amazement that they were so interested and engaged in the project. Apparently this is not typical, but I'm sure enjoying it. A few more spoke up and asked for help when they ran into tricky spots. One student showed me photographs he took while on a hunting trip northwest of Kyle, SD. Spectacular views of very dramatic badlands formations. They made Sheep Mountain look a little tame. It was great to see someone who seemed as jazzed by the landscape as I feel.

Today Cathy, a park ranger, came along for the ride and to see the school. We had good conversation and a nice drive. Many deer on the way home today.

Sunset from Hwy 44, south of Interior, SD.