Badlands Residency Day 3

Another day without photographs to show.  Gearing up for next week's youth camp, chatting with park staff, working out details.  Later this week I hope to arrange a day trip down to Red Cloud Indian School to meet the teacher and students that will be participating in the camp along with kids from nearby Wall High school and other students from Calhoun School in Manhattan's upper west side.  Calhoun was here last year during my residency, and I tagged along on their adventures.  It was a marvelous opportunity, and I'm really looking forward to working with them again.  

Now it's about dinner time, and I think I'm going to relax a little this evening.  I'm learning that coming out here requires a bit of a shift in my mental processes.  I end up sleeping a lot the first few days, go through a brief funk, then come out of it.  I exist differently in this environment.  Priorities shift, my pace slows a little, and I'm a much more laid back individual.  It's a good feeling.