Leaving the Badlands

Now that I'm en route home from Badlands and reflecting on this last residency, I have a few thoughts to offer.  First, this landscape remains just as interesting and spectacular to me now as it was the first time I saw it, even after more than 26 cumulative weeks spent as artist-in-residence and at least a total of 4 more weeks as a summer visitor.  That's the equivalent of over half a year here in the past two years - yikes, a whole quarter of my life!  No wonder this place feels like my second home.

In addition to the landscape, I treasure my badlands friendships: so many people here are endlessly supportive, kind, encouraging, and welcoming.  It is truly like a homecoming when I arrive.  There's rarely a dull moment and always someone to share a meal and an evening with, someone to listen to my ideas and offer feedback.  I have found friends who will hike with me, explore, seek adventure, be silly, laugh, cry, hug, and in the end become brothers and sisters.  Thanks to the friends who have shared a desire to get out and see this place.  It couldn't possibly be the same without the companionship, the insights, and the resource education you've imparted.  You have added such depth of knowledge to my experiences at Badlands.

I have watched this park face multiple challenges during my times here.  This spring, particularly the past couple weeks, have been exceedingly tough with far too many instances of heartache and loss.  My thoughts remain with everyone at the park as they struggle through the near future and its uncertainties.

Cheers to those who have shown me the Badlands for their glory over the past two years.  You know who you are, and I offer my thanks and love, always.  See you next time!