Rocky Mountain NP Residency Day 8

I needed to do some laundry today, and with no facilities to use here in the park, I headed into Estes and paid a visit to Dad's Laundromat and Showers. Clean and neat little place with an awesome décor that was like walking back in time several decades. Did my load of wash and stopped by Safeway for a restock on groceries. Back at the park I went to the visitors center to consult yet another ranger on my plans for tomorrow. I'm looking forward to a bit of a brag if I manage my goal, so I won't give too much detail yet. Suffice to say, I'll be up before 4am to drive to my start point and begin my hike before sunrise. I want as little chance as possible of being caught above treeline if any storms roll in. So far the weather looks as cooperative as it ever gets here. No guarantees, but my chances look good. No, I'm not doing anything crazy, but I will be testing my grit a bit.

Spent the afternoon on lunch, a bit of painting, and some more planning for the hikes I want to fit in before I'm done here. I can't possibly see as much as I wish, but I am doing my best to accumulate a reasonable, diverse assortment of experiences the park provides. Making one last stop at the visitors center here to use internet, check weather, and consult with park staff. I'll be up and out hours before they open tomorrow. Tonight will be a very early bedtime. Wish me luck for tomorrow!

No great pics from today, so instead I'll leave you with images of this glorious cabin.